Top Reasons Why Keystroke Logger Is Said To Be The Game-Changer For The Companies | Protect Your Data And Work Environment Today

· Keyboard Logger,keystroke logger,keylogger software,productivity monitor
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For businesses whether large or small, the most challenging part to do is to keep track of the employees productivity. Since every second has its own value, not tracking the employee hours can actually create a major impact on the business.

Hence, using a keystroke logger software is well worth the money! As it will help you track the overall productive hours of the employees with great ease. Definitely, businesses taking the help of such software have seen increased productivity and profits.

The concept of keyloggers dates back to the time when PCs were in common use. These can be used for many purposes, but the main reason that has grabbed so much of popularity for the software is that it helps in increasing the productivity level among the employees. And with this article, we will try making the company understand how a keylogger can turn the table in the productivity game.

What Is Keystroke Tracking Or Keylogging?

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The use of surveillance software to track, capture, register, and log all keyboard operations by a user or employee, whether in web browsers, mails, applications, instant messages, documents, and programs, is known as keystroke logging. Employers can grab updates about their employees activities with the help of this robust software.

Different Types Of Keyloggers:

Well, there are basically two types of keyloggers! Both of them are listed below.

  1. Hardware-based

  2. Software-based

Installation of a keylogger does not necessitate physical access to the user's device. Companies can implement it in the Employee Desktop as a backend utility. Some keylogging applications can even provide features for documenting data other than keystrokes, such as capturing something copied to the clipboard and taking random snapshots of the user's screen for tracking purposes.

Why Active And Idle Time Tracking?

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Many employees get easily distracted during working hours. Say it be surfing on the internet, chatting with their friends, or scrolling their news feed on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter! Not only this, but due to boredom or fatigue, employees tend to take long coffee breaks that lead to unproductive hours and decreased productivity. Therefore, the requirement for employers to track:

  1. Employee idle time, which means the time spent apart from the employee's laptop/pc.

  2. Employee active time implies the time spent on the laptop/pc doing productive activities.

What Type of Data Does a Keylogger Software Collect?

Different keyloggers can collect various data. However, most keystroke logger software or a Keyboard Logger can grasp the following types of information:

  1. All the keystrokes made on the keyboard

  2. Real-time screenshots

  3. Websites/apps visited by the employees.

  4. Generated logs of instant messaging sessions and email material

Now, if you think that keystroke logger is super powerful, then yes, you are 100% correct. And if used in the right manner, it can definitely help the companies get increased productivity within seconds.

Top 04 Reasons Why Using A Keylogger Software Is Essential

1. Helps in reducing wastage of time

As we discussed earlier, employees waste most of their time chatting with friends or scrolling the reels section on Instagram. Now to stop these activities, keyloggers can be the best help.

2. Boost employees overall performance

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Yes, you heard it right! Some workers would go above and beyond to please their bosses. People with a competitive nature (especially those seeking a raise!) will go to great lengths to ensure their statistics are among the best in the business.

3. Gather valuable statistics

Data is a powerful weapon. You will tend to measure more metrics the more data you have. You may use a keylogger to keep track of the websites the employees visit, which social media pages they visit, and so on! Finally, keyloggers will help the companies in productivity monitoring, prevent valuable bandwidth, and not only this, but ensure the best use of networked resources by tracking the employee's activities online.

4. Positive reinforcement by rewarding the right person

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Employees who have been working really hard to provide the best to the company need to be appreciated right now! As we said earlier, a keylogger will help employers to know which employee has been wasting time! Apart from that, it will even help the company understand who has been working hard and actually deserves a raise.

03 Keylogging Tools To Trust When It Comes To Installing One

1. EmpMonitor

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Affordable pricing and a user-friendly interface make EmpMonitor a robust employee tracking & analytics tool that entirely focuses on increasing employee productivity. EmpMonitor sports a smooth, responsive administrative UI. The software offers easy installation, productivity-focused reports, and real-time alerts.

It includes a strong core of tracking tools and features that mainly focus on regulating data access and protect user privacy. Just because of these excellent features, EmpMonitor has earned a great reputation in the market. It has actually been giving tough competition to other software around. Well, EmpMonitor will provide companies records of the employee's keystroke count, browsing activities, login/logout details, monitoring internet activities, etc., within a single click.

To know more about this software, check you this video here:

2. Teramind

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Teramind, known as more enterprise-focused employee tracking software, provides a number of monitoring methods. It can keep track of keystrokes and other activities of the employees with great ease. Other features of the software include webpage tracking, time to time screenshot capture, etc. Implementing Teramind in the workplace can be an excellent decision for companies.

3. SentryPC

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SentryPC can be a great option to choose if you run a small company. It is a cloud-based solution that can track both Mac and PC users with competitive service plans and an easy-to-use GUI. It keeps track of your workers by recording the keystrokes, which it does in real-time. The software even comes with the ability to filter out certain website content, detect anything inserted into the PC and track IP address.

Final Thoughts

Recollecting all the above points, we can conclude, tracking employee keystrokes has so much impact on the companies overall growth in terms of productivity! And even nowadays, companies have realized that implementing a keystroke logger is necessary. Companies that have faced productivity issues during this pandemic need to become a lot smarter now by taking the help of robust keylogger software.