Insights On Managing Flexible Work Schedule

· work schedule

A flexible work schedule is an alternative to the traditional 9 to 5 office routines, that allows an employee to work hours that differ from the normal company start and stop time. Today's employees demand more flexibility or different options for flexible schedules based on their need to maintain a work-life balance.


How To Make A Flexible Workplace?

Simply stating that your company is offering flex work options without any prior planning is a recipe for disaster. In all flexible employee work schedule, the employer expects a full-time employee to work the required hours or more. To obtain that alongside optimum team productivity, it is important to plan the flexible and productive work schedule of your workplace before executing. 

  • Plan your flexible arrangement

To get started, carefully review your associated business systems and processes. Create a plan and begin training for managers. Program leaders should be heavily involved to aid those in flex work arrangements to maintain productivity.

  • Establish good communication

Communication plays a huge role in flexible work arrangements to avoid miscommunication, especially with all the available online team collaboration programs. Employ effective instant message tools that promote consistent and solid communication.

  • Allow for standard work schedules

Flex work arrangements are no longer a trend, but a reality on which companies heavily rely in current situations. Some companies have converted to a completely digital model, eliminating the need for a physical location to conduct business.

  • Train managers and team leaders

It’s important to implement different rules and methods to manage flexible workers. Without proper management, it’s easy for employees to fall into poor work habits that continue to erode over time.

  • Start with a pilot

A pilot program not only gives you time to accumulate the necessary information for your trial’s success, but it helps work out the kinks and obstacles that will arise with newly implemented flex work arrangements. 

Types of Flexible Work Arrangements

Flexible work arrangements are not a one-size-fits-all solution and to deduce the issue you may need to adapt to various methods. Choosing the flexible work arrangement that works for your firm can seem tricky, but taking a systematic approach to implement your program can narrow down the list of options:

  • Flextime

Flextime involves giving staff flexibility on the start and finish times of their working day, typically with an obligatory “core” time in the middle of the day.

  • Compressed Work Week

A compressed workweek allows employees to work total hours in fewer than normal weekdays, such as working four 10-hour days.

  • Flexplace

Employees are free to work from home or another remote location on an approved schedule in a flexible or remote working setup.

  • Job Sharing

In job sharing practices, two or more employees divided one position and split required work hours between them.

  • Expanded Leave

Expanded leave gives employees greater flexibility for requesting extended periods away from work without losing their rights as employees.

  • Phased Retirement

The employee and the firm agree on a schedule to gradually reduce the employee’s full-time work commitments over a period of time. 

  • Work and Family Programs

Employers provide some assistance to their workers to help with infant care and elder care, such as on-site childcare facilities.

Final Words

As remote work has become the norm for many businesses, and will likely continue for the foreseeable future, employees can optimize their productivity while creating a sense of work-life balance. The advantages when a flexible work schedule is allowed, to both employers and employees, are key as you implement a flexible schedule.