Best Ways To Increase Productivity Remote Employee


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The employees are the most significant part of an organization, and it is only active employees that make a business profitable in the first place. And remote working is proved as a feasible alternative for many companies. When you have opportunities to work from home, maintaining a work-life balance gets even more manageable. Then what about a framework? Is it true that working from home boosts productivity? 

Because according to a recent survey done by the US Bureau of labor, it is found out that employee productivity has been declining in recent years.

So, if you are searching for effective ways to increase productivity of your employees, then in the next few minutes, you will know it very well through this article. Here in this article, we will cover the main topics, which are:

  1. What is employee productivity?
  2. The importance of employee productivity
  3. How to measure productivity
  4. Way to increase employee productivity

What is Employee Productivity?

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Employee productivity, also known as organizational productivity or workplace performance, is a measure of a single employee's output. For example, an organization that makes artistic beverages may like to see how many beverages one employee can make in a given amount of time – this is the actual employee's productivity.

The Importance of Employee Productivity

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The objective of any company is to achieve success, and we already know that employee productivity will either make or break a company's success. Therefore to clearly understand employees work efficiency  is determined by two factors:

  • Productivity = sum of work done in a given time.
  • Effectiveness = amount of effort placed into a task.

There are some advantages of high employee efficiency that demonstrate its value in the industry – if workers are profitable, the business will be as well.

  • grows
  • meets consumer demand
  • remains competitive
  • becomes more profitable

Also, in general, high workforce productivity guarantees a company's business presence.

How to Measure Productivity 

In today's workplace, efficiency can also consider the importance and consistency of performance. Setting the teams up for performance often entails paying attention to employee output. A standard productivity model is restricted and doesn't give us a granular understanding of the total output of one's work. To summarise, a more accurate definition of productivity is the ability to produce profitable and high-quality work in a limited time.

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Now that we've identified a working concept of productivity, then let's look at some of the common ways to increase employee productivity.

Way to Increase Employee Productivity

1. Limit interruptions & minimize distractions


Management can't erase all distractions, but they can certainly help to minimize them. But while working remotely, employees might follow a few tips to lessen distractions and increase their productivity. Some of the productivity hacks are:

  • Make a routine to wake up early and spend a few minutes in the natural breeze or garden.
  • Employees can do running, biking, yoga, working out, or playing with pets or children for at least 10 minutes.
  • While working, make use of a table and a chair.
  • Make a habit to clean up your working table.
  • Dehydrate your body.

2. Help create great work from the environment

Many businesses make significant investments in their workplaces to provide a friendly environment where workers are happy to come to work and can work efficiently. It might be the custom with home offices as well. Give your employees advice on how to build a nice home office atmosphere, including everything from finding a space with plenty of natural light to placing plants in the office. Encourage them to eliminate distractions and become more structured, as this would boost their ability to complete tasks on schedule.

3. Allow flexible schedules

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In many work from home scenarios, it is found that the management teams are not allowing their employees to work on a flexible schedule and make the remote employees work on a specific time slot. This process can make them more unproductive because they have to manage their personal and professional work parallelly from the same spot. Since many people have different peak productivity periods during the day, so rather than keeping to a standard 9-to-5 routine, allow your remote employees to work freely without any restriction like mental or physical.

4. Try tracking tools

Depending on the nature of your company, you might want to consider time management software such as EmpMonitor, which will help you monitor and monitor your remote employees. These resources will provide you with a comprehensive picture of how our workers spend their time. You will get updates on which applications and websites they use, as well as how much they take breaks. To get an appropriate overview about EmpMonitor, click here:

Summing Up

Every team is different, and what works with one corporation to increase productivity will not work for another. Still keep striving to better the remote set - up. Participate in remote work events to stimulate creative ideas. The more you experiment, the better you'll understand what works best on your squad